What Type of Building Moves You? How to Choose a Building Type that Feeds Your Soul.

What type of building moves you?

Today, let’s sort out the Soul’s Home® ingredient – Building Types.

There are so many types to choose from it can be overwhelming! Detached, Townhouse, Garden style, High-rise, Historic, Mid-century modern, Victorian, Log cabin, Igloo, Biophilic, Container, Space ship, Airplane and that’s just a few! With such an overwhelming sea of choices, how do we decide? 

First, determine how important building type is to you within the context of the other Soul’s Home® ingredients. Knowing if building type is a priority for you will narrow your field of choices or dictate location.

For example, if you’re called to live in Manhattan, that eliminates igloos. But if living in an igloo is priority, you can’t live in Manhattan. If you need help prioritizing, checkout my free quiz: Does Your Home Feed Your Soul

Once you’re clear about how important building type is to you, how do you know which type is best for you? To choose the building type that best feeds your soul, you must see beyond the physical structure into the message the building conveys to you. Then ask yourself if that message aligns with you.  

So for example, your purpose may be nature conservation, so a biophilic home may most align with you. Or your purpose may be to use history to help society avoid the same mistakes, so the message of a historic home resonates with you. Don’t worry if you can’t articulate the message of the building. As you visit each building, tune in to how you feel. Does it give you the heebie-jeebies or do you feel “at home”? The closer you can get to feeling “at home” the more your soul will be nourished when you live there.

I hope you’ll be able to put building type in context and live in one that speaks to you because I want you to have a home that feeds your soul.  If you want my help finding your Soul’s Home®, I’d love to talk with you. Just click Contact Me to get in touch. 

Next time, we’ll talk about how you can use Form and Function to more closely align even if the building type you must live in is not right for you.

Until next week, I wish you well on your journey.  

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