Are You Confused About Whether or Not to Renovate or Sell? A Guide to Hearing What Your Soul Wants.

Are you confused about whether or not to renovate or sell?  

If you’re torn between renovating or selling, taking a soulful approach will give you clarity. Start by tuning into your spiritual purpose for this part of your life. Is it to grow your family, focus on a project, improve your relationships, explore a new career, build wealth, travel the world or something else? 

Then prioritize each of the ten Soul’s Home® Ingredients by how important they are to you living your soul’s purpose. 

– Location

– Community

– Household Member Harmony

– Financial Balance

– Type of structure

– Form and Function

– Safety

– Health

– Culture and Religion

– Neatness

Next, focus on your top five and ask how well your current home feeds your soul for each Soul’s Home® ingredient. Would renovating improve what doesn’t feed your soul? 

For example, if safety, location and community are in your top five but you don’t feel safe in your neighborhood or the location is far from the activities and people you love or you don’t feel you fit in the community, then no amount of renovations will feed your soul. 

If on the other hand, you’re in the perfect location but your house is not functional, renovating may be the most soulful option. Once you’re clear about what you need to feed your soul, put your ego to work investigating renovating vs selling. 

Consult with a Realtor® or go to open houses to see if there are homes that would feed your soul better. Meet with a contractor or interior designer to find out what it would take to make your house a place that will feed your soul. 

Once you understand your options, sit quietly and ask your soul what it’s calling you to do. I hope you’ll be able to hear if your soul wants you to renovate or sell so you can have your Soul’s Home®

If you need help with this, click the link to the Soul’s Home® Alignment DIY or schedule a free call with me

Next month we’ll ask, “Is it time to downsize?” Until next time, I wish you well on your journey.     

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