Do you want to make money when you sell your house?
If you’re like most people, you want to make money when you sell your house, but you don’t want to drive yourself crazy in the process! To sell your house not your soul, approach the selling process soulfully.
There are six P’s to selling high soulfully: Purpose, Pricing, Plan B, Preparing, Promoting, and People. The first and most essential ingredient to getting the most money when you sell your house is Purpose - being 100% sure your soul is ready to move on. To do this, the spiritual purpose of your home must be complete. There are some obvious times to move on and some that are not so clear cut.
Say, you bought a small place as a bachelor and now you’ve found your soul mate – your souls may want to merge in a larger place you’ve chosen together. Or maybe you bought a big house to raise your children but now your nest is empty, and the size has become a burden. Other times, it might not seem so obvious – like when something painful has occurred in the house, say a death or divorce. In those situations, family and friends may be anxious for you to sell the home to “let go” of the loss and move on.
But this may or may not be what YOUR soul is calling you to do. It’s up to YOU to find out if your soul says it’s time to stay or go. Ask “Does my home still serve me/us well?” “Would we be better served by making changes to our home or moving?”
Trying to sell when your soul’s not ready is a set up for a complicated and lengthy home sale at a disappointing price. It can be difficult to know when your soul is calling you to move vs. stay. Often, I see clients who think they should move but as we tune into their souls, we find their home still serves a spiritual purpose that needs to be fulfilled before moving on. If you need help, hearing if your soul wants to stay or go, start with the link below to my free quiz: Does your home feed your soul?
Next week, we’ll talk about the second P – Pricing. Until next time, I wish you well on your journey.
Related Articles:
Sell Your House Not Your Soul: How to Sell High Using the Auction Method
Sell Your House Not Your Soul: A Soulful Combination of the Traditional Listing and Auction Method
Sell Your House Not Your Soul: 5 Options to Consider When You Can’t Get Your Price