Prepare Your House to Sell Soulfully: A Guide to Holistic Home Staging

How do you prepare to sell high? 

Let’s talk about the fourth of the six P’s for selling high soulfully – Preparation. Most sellers spruce up their house to get the highest price. But to sell your house not your soul, we’re not only concerned about money, we also want to create your buyer’s Soul’s Home® and prepare you to let go and move on to your new Soul’s Home®

When potential buyers see pictures of your home or tour it, you want to touch their hearts, help them feel that your home will feed their souls and give them the overwhelming sense that they are “home”. So how do you do that?

First, get an objective opinion because it’s hard to see your own home from the buyer’s perspectiveEven if you have training in decorating or home staging it’s a challenge to give yourself advice. It’s like giving yourself a massage – it’s o.k. but it’s a thousand times better if someone else does it. 

Second, ask your ego to find out how much time, money and energy each of the stager’s recommendations will take for the likely payout. 

Third, ask your soul what to do. You may be surprisedMaybe you planned to do a lot but your soul says to sell “as-is” because the time and money isn’t worth it and the buyer will want to make their own improvements. Omaybe you thought you’d do nothing because you like your home the way it is and think everyone else will too but your soul wants you to embrace making changes.  

By listening to how your soul wants you to prepare your house for sale, you’ll not only maximize financial returns but also pass the torch to your buyer by creating their Soul’s Home®And when you pass that torch, you let go of what your house has represented to you so you can move on.  

I hope when it’s time for you to sell you’ll be able to prepare your house so you can let go because I want you to move on to a home that feeds your soul. 

If you want my help moving on to your Soul’s Home®, I’d love to talk with you. Just click Contact Me to get in touch. 

Next time we’ll talk about the 5th of the 6 P’s to selling high soulfully – PromotionUntil next week, I wish you well on your journey. 

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