Why live together?
Let’s look at the Soul’s Home® Ingredient – Household Member Harmony. Of all the Soul’s Home® ingredients, it’s the most desired but hardest to achieve.
It’s challenging to live with others. Heck, sometimes I can’t live with myself! So, why go to the trouble? Because living together can feed our souls. Household member harmony is about the care and feeding of each other’s souls.
There are three types of relationships that determine who’s responsible for the feeding: Practical, Interdependent and Dependent.
Roommates have practical relationships because the purpose is to share expenses and household duties but they’re responsible for feeding their own souls while respecting their roommates.
Significant others are interdependent because in addition to sharing expenses and chore, they’re responsible for the care and feeding of each other’s souls.
Minor children are dependent upon parents for physical, emotional and spiritual needs. While children may feed your soul, it’s not their responsibility.
Pets are dependent on you for food and shelter and interdependent because you feed each other’s souls.
Household member harmony is not about being perfect 100% of the time. It’s normal to be out of balance sometimes, but when there’s always imbalance, it can make a home that would be your Soul’s Home® anything but.
If you choose to live with others it’s about respecting the purpose of the relationship and being willing to work through issues to achieve harmony so everyone’s soul can be nourished.
Growth comes from identifying the spiritual purpose of difficulties with household members and allowing your soul to lead you to either harmony or different households where each soul will be better served.
I hope you’ll be able to live in harmony or go your separate ways, because I want you to have a home that feeds your soul. If you want my help finding your Soul’s Home®, I’d love to talk with you. Just click Contact Me to get in touch.
Next week, it’ll be Thanksgiving, so we’ll be back Wednesday instead of Thursday to talk about Thanksgiving and the Soul’s Home®.
Until next week, I wish you well on your journey.