Sell Your House

Sell Your House

Well “yes” and “no.”
Selling your house not your soul is about following the guidance of your soul when you sell. If you’re not listening to your soul, some would say you’re selling your soul.
Believe me! I’ve heard enough horror stories from people who sold their souls in the process of selling their house.
Don’t be one of them.
You want to make money when you sell your house, but you don’t want to drive yourself crazy in the process.
So, we’ll use the 6 “P’s” to selling high soulfully:
Step 1: Hear Your Soul’s Purpose
We’ll start with deep conversation to get clarity about what the spiritual purpose of your home has been and whether or not it’s time to sell. I call this your Soul’s Home® Alignment Plan.
Step 2: Pricing Soulfully
The burning question for most sellers is, “How much can I get for my house?”
As an auctioneer, I combine auction strategy and traditional brokerage into the perfect mix for selling high soulfully.
Step 3: Plan B
Knowing your soul’s bottom line and plan B helps your ego stay calm through uncertainty and gives you a negotiation advantage. It’s unlikely that you’ll need Plan B if you’ve embraced the other P’s of selling high soulfully but it’s important not to skip this step or you’ll risk sabotaging the sale.
Step 4: Prepare Your Soul
In this step, you’ll start saying, “good-bye” to your house and prepare it to “sell itself.”
The condition of your home, your soul’s purpose, and pricing strategy will determine the amount and type of work needed to prepare your home. We want your home to touch the hearts of buyers and, give them the overwhelming sense that they are “home”.
Soulful preparation helps you let go of what your house has meant to you, so you can move on.
Step 5: Promote
In addition to professional photography, captivating descriptions and listing syndication, soulful promotion may include telling buyers what’s wrong with your house.
A pre-listing home inspection not only alleviates buyer’s fears of unknown problems, it also gives you the upper hand in negotiations, encourages more offers, and gets you more money. If that doesn’t make sense to you be sure to watch the video to see why it works.
Step 6: People
To be soulful, we must see our interactions and negotiations first about serving all the people involved and second, about the physical structure of the house and the money.
Buyers who feel respected by sellers who genuinely care are easier to deal with and typically pay more than those who feel slighted.