Do you often wonder if you’re making the right decisions in life? I did until I attended a retreat lead by Barbara Huson back in 2010. She showed us what she called: “The Conflicting Agendas of the Ego and Soul.”
The foundation for having a home that feeds your soul is knowing how to tell the difference between the voice of your ego and the voice of your soul. Here is what Barbara taught us:

I felt so relieved and empowered by knowing how to distinguish the voice of my soul from my ego, I began putting Barbara’s idea into practice in every area of my life. We’ll talk about how you can too in future episodes.
In the meantime, if you want more about this from Barbara, click the link to her inspired and inspiring book: Sacred Success. You’ll find the complete list of Soul vs. Ego on page 26.
Until next week, I wish you well on your journey.