How Much Space do You Need for Boomerang Kids When You Downsize? How to Tell What You Need

How much space do you need for boomerang kids when you downsize?  

When we were looking to downsize from our three-level townhome into a small 2 bedroom condo, I feared I’d be a horrible parent if we didn’t get a place with enough bedrooms for our three adult children. None of them lived with us but I felt an overwhelming obligation to have rooms just in case they all needed to. I was confused about why our souls were calling us to a small, two-bedroom condo. We loved the location and the size was perfect for Eric and I. But I felt tortured at the thought that the kids would feel shut out.  

So, I took a long meditation and asked my soul if the kids would be hurt if we got the small place. My soul responded, “It’s the size of your hearts, not the size of your place that matters to the kids.” I felt instant relief. And sure enough, it’s worked perfectly each time that one of the kids has needed to stay with us. They’ve never all needed to stay at the same time so the second bedroom, which serves as my office when the kids don’t need it, has been enough.  

If you’re faced with the dilemma of how much space you need for your adult children when you downsize, you’re not alone. Your situation and children’s needs may be different than ours so ask YOUR soul what you need in addition to your big heart before you move. 

If you need my help, I’d love to talk with you. Just click Contact Me to schedule a free 30-minute call. I wish you well on your journey.

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