Not Sure if You Should
Stay or Go?
You had good reasons for wanting your home when you moved in.
What were they?
Never mind. It doesn’t matter now.
The fact is, your home just doesn’t feel right for you now.
It’s a great place and you feel bad for not appreciating it more because it really isn’t that bad. People even envy where you live.
Not Sure if You Should
Stay or Go?
You had good reasons for wanting your home when you moved in.
What were they?
Never mind. It doesn’t matter now.
The fact is, your home just doesn’t feel right for you now.
It’s a great place and you feel bad for not appreciating it more because it really isn’t that bad. People even envy where you live.
But still, you find yourself wondering if it’s time for you to move on.
You wonder if a move is necessary or if it’s better to stay and maybe change the house in some way.
You’ve imagined yourself on HGTV receiving a home makeover and living happily ever after.
“Oh!” But you wonder,
“Is it even the house? Maybe it’s me? Maybe there’s something bothering me that can’t be solved by moving or renovating.”
You’d never want to spend that kind of money AND THEN find out the house wasn’t even the problem.
Enter: Suzanne Hanger, Your Broker with a Side of Soul ℠
I use a spiritual approach that gives you clarity before you make a move. The foundation of my work is the belief that everyone has a purpose and that if we all lived our purpose we’d have peace and harmony throughout the World.
I start my work by understanding your soul’s purpose.
“Oh – What’s that?”
You’re not sure what your soul’s purpose is?
No worries. That’s very common!
My gift is that I’m able to hear the quiet voice of your soul and amplify it so you can hear it too.
Once we understand your soul’s purpose, we’ll know which of the 10 Soul’s Home® ingredients you need to feed your Soul.
Then we’ll look at your home to see if it has the ingredients you need.
I use this information to develop your Soul’s Home® Alignment Plan so we can see clearly what your soul is calling you to do about your home.
Your Soul’s Home® Alignment Plan will make it clear if your soul is calling you to go or stay.
Your plan may lead you to buy and/or sell a home. If it does, we’ll continue to ask for guidance from your soul throughout the home buying/selling process.
Otherwise, your plan could reveal a spiritual purpose for staying in your current home and lead you to actions other than buying/selling a home.
Some of the plans I’ve developed led my clients to:
Marry a long time domestic partner.
Take a four month sabbatical to explore other areas he’d always dreamed of moving to.
Purge items that no longer serve the Soul.
Redecorate after a divorce.
Get their finances in order.
All of these clients will buy or sell a home eventually, but while they thought it was time to move then, their soul was calling them to do something entirely different.
Soul’s Home® DIY
Self-paced, on-line videos, exercises, and meditations to clarify the spiritual purpose of your home and hear if your soul is calling you to stay and make changes or move on.
Soul’s Home® Alignment Plan
The Soul’s Home® DIY + soul-to-soul Zoom sessions with Suzanne. After reading your report, I’ll tune into the quiet voice of your soul and amplify it so you can hear it too. You’ll know the spiritual purpose of your home and feel inspired to follow your soul’s call.
Soul’s Home® Alignment Plan FAQ’s