Do You Have Enough Money to Get What Your Soul Wants? You’d Be Surprised!

Do you have enough money to get what your soul wants

Last week, we talked about the ego’s tendency to tell us we can’t have what our soul wants and how that gets in the way of even knowing what you want. The ego will often use money as the logical evidence that you can’t have. But on the Journey to Your Soul’s Home®, money rarely keeps you from getting what your soul really wants. 

I’ve seen this as I’ve helped clients find their Soul’s Home®. I’ll typically start the process thinking that I’ll never be able to find a house that meets all their requirements and budget. But as we tune in to hear what their soul is calling them to have in a home and define the spiritual purpose for their new home, the perfect home appears within their budget.  

If you have the resources to be watching this video, it’s likely you have enough money for the home and things your soul wants you to have now. When you think you don’t, your soul may call you to take action to attract more abundance in your life so you may have those things in the future but for now, your soul is calling you to embrace all that you do have and engage in using it to live your soul’s purpose.  

Whenever you feel you don’t have enough, sit quietly with your soul and tune into what it really wants. Then become alert to the opportunities you have to get it. I hope you can use this process to get what your soul wants. 

If you feel moved, write about this below because sharing is good for your soul. Next time, we’ll talk about: How much you can afford to spend on a house.

Until next week, I wish you well on your journey. 

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  1. Amy

    This is information that I have been waiting to hear! Thanks so much for sharing. I always appreciate your advice and your perspective ?

    • Suzanne

      You’re Welcome Amy! So glad it was helpful to you! And thanks so much for letting me know. That warms my heart!